How will we eat and produce food in the future?

The way we produce and consume food must fundamentally change if we are to meet the challenges of the future. How will this transformation be achieved, and what obstacles and opportunities lie on the path to a sustainable food system?



Scientific articles


Mistra Food Futures Academy

Training young researchers, research assistants, doctoral students, and postdoctoral researchers is fundamental to academic activity. Mistra Food Futures is organized around a group of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers, who, with guidance from senior advisors and mentors from both academia and partners in the food system, will carry out their doctoral or postdoctoral training within the program. In this way, we are training the next generation of food system researchers with the necessary interdisciplinary skills and competencies, which helps ensure the availability of qualified researchers in sustainable food systems.

There are currently no job vacancies.

No available positions to apply for.

As soon as a position becomes available, we will post it here.

Dialogues & webinars

The research program Mistra Food Futures is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at promoting sustainability and innovation within the food system.

Helena Hansson Program director