Contact us

Mistra Food Futures, SLU, Box 7013 , 750 07 Uppsala

Helena Hansson

Program Director, Professor at the Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). WP: Coordination, Indicators & Organisations

Per-Anders Hansson

Assistant Program Director, Professor at the Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) WP: Systems

Line Gordon

Professor in Sustainability Science and Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University. WP: Pathways

Maria Hellström

Senior Specialist at RISE, Agriculture and Food. WP: Transition Labs

Senior Specialist at RISE, Agriculture and Food

Malin Jonell

PhD and Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, and at the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. WP: Indicators

Johan Karlsson

PhD and researcher at the Department of Energy and Technology; Agricultural Engineering and Systems. WP: Systems

Hanna Karlsson Potter

PhD and researcher at the Department of Energy and Technology; Agricultural Engineering and Systems. WP: Measures

Martin Persson

Associate Professor, Physical Resource Theory, Space, Earth and Environment. WP: Pathways

Elin Röös

Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Energy and Technology; Agricultural Engineering and Systems. WP: Pathways

Sarah Säll

PhD and researcher at the Department of Economics; Agricultural Sector Economics. WP: Policy

Vivian Wei Huang

Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. WP: Organizations