Framework for designing more sustainable supply chains from farm to store

New report on framework for designing more sustainable supply chains from farm to store.
Authors: Ulf Sonesson, Pegah Amani, Karin Bjerre, Lars Hamberg, Evelina Höglund, Anders H Karlsson, Marie Olsson, Sandra Pousette, Elin Röös and Karin Östergren

The food system is central to sustainable societal development, and significant changes are needed in how we produce, process, distribute, and consume food. Activities in the ‘middle of the chain,’ namely processing and retailing, play a crucial role in the system. Although it is ultimately the consumer’s food choices that dictate what should be produced, the industry and retail sectors have a significant impact by developing and bringing products to market, thereby influencing choices. Furthermore, these activities account for a considerable portion of energy consumption and affect the chain’s raw material efficiency.

This report describes the development of a framework that can be used to analyze and create readiness for action among stakeholders through conceptual design of future food supply chains. The framework and methodology are important for supporting chain actors in creating the understanding and readiness for action required for decision-making about future supply chains. To generate relevant results, the framework should be used by stakeholders in close dialogue and collaboration between researchers and consumers, both public and private.

The framework has been developed in three case studies on products (legume-based products, bread, and animal products), and the work has been carried out in close collaboration between researchers and participating companies.

Access the full report here.